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210 total results found


SMBUD - Systems and Methods for Big and... 12-13 Hadoop Subprojects

Apache Hive is a data warehouse software project built on top of Apache Hadoop for providing data query and analysis. Hive gives an SQL-like interface to query data stored in various databases and file systems that integrate with Hadoop. Traditional SQL querie...


SMBUD - Systems and Methods for Big and... 12-13 Hadoop Subprojects

Apache Impala is an open source massively parallel processing (MPP) SQL query engine for data stored in a computer cluster running Apache Hadoop. Integrated into Hadoop stack on the same level as MapReduce, and not above it (process data without using MapReduc...


SMBUD - Systems and Methods for Big and... 12-13 Hadoop Subprojects

Apache Storm is a distributed stream processing computation framework. Storm provides realtime computation. Architecture The Apache Storm cluster comprises following critical components: Nodes: There are two types of nodes: Master Nodes and Worker Nodes. A M...


SMBUD - Systems and Methods for Big and... 12-13 Hadoop Subprojects

Apache Flume is a distributed, reliable, and available software for efficiently collecting, aggregating, and moving large amounts of log data. It is robust and fault tolerant with tunable reliability mechanisms and many failover and recovery mechanisms. It use...


SMBUD - Systems and Methods for Big and... 12-13 Hadoop Subprojects

Sqoop is a command-line interface application for transferring data between relational databases and Hadoop. Sqoop supports incremental loads of a single table or a free form SQL query as well as saved jobs which can be run multiple times to import updates mad...

Classical Planning and PDDL

FAI - Foundations of Artificial Intelli... Planning

Classical planning is defined as the task of finding a sequence of actions to accomplish a goal in a discrete, deterministic, static, fully observable environment. We have seen two approaches to this task: the problem-solving agent and the hybrid propositional...

Algorithms for Classical Planning

FAI - Foundations of Artificial Intelli... Planning

The description of a planning problem provides an obvious way to search from the initial state through the space of states, looking for a goal. A nice advantage of the declarative representation of action schemas is that we can also search backward from the go...


FAI - Foundations of Artificial Intelli... Planning

Starting from a PDDL representation of the agent’s knowledge base KB (specifying the initial state and the actions) and the goal g, the plan is build as follows: SATPlan tries to build a plan of length L, starting with L = 0 and then incrementing L by 1 at ea...

Search problems

FAI - Foundations of Artificial Intelli... Problem Solving by Search

A search problem can be defined formally as follows: A set of possible states that the environment can be in. We call this the state space. The initial state that the agent starts in. A set of one or more goal states. Sometimes there is one goal state, someti...

Theorem proving

FAI - Foundations of Artificial Intelli... Logical Agents

Other than model checking entailment can be done by theorem proving—applying rules of inference directly to the sentences in our knowledge base to construct a proof of the desired sentence without consulting models. If the number of models is large but the len...

Exam Questions

SMBUD - Systems and Methods for Big and... 06 Graph Stores

2021 06 22 Q1 (8 points) A dedicated online review and social networking system tracks the activities of customers of hotels, including their stays, their searches and their online interactions, friendships, and activities. Hotels are described by their servic...

Exam questions

SMBUD - Systems and Methods for Big and... 07 Document Databases

2021 06 22 Q2 (6 points) A dedicated online review and social networking system tracks the activities of customers of hotels, including their stays, their searches and their online interactions, friendships, and activities. Hotels are described by their servic...

Exam questions

SMBUD - Systems and Methods for Big and... 08 Key-value Databases

2021 02 04 Q1 A maintenance and service management company supports public administrations in the management of public properties (parks, streets, and so on). The company needs to record the notification of maintenance needs and how they are addressed. Citizen...

Exam questions on design

SMBUD - Systems and Methods for Big and...

2021 01 15 Q1 (10 points) Suppose you need to design the data model that supports the structure and organization of a university campus. The campus comprises several buildings. Each building has an address, a map, some photos, an opening schedule. Every buildi...

03 ER Exercises

SMBUD - Systems and Methods for Big and... 03 ER and Relational Data Models

Exercise 1 Design an ER Model for a car rental system that manages the customers, the cars and their related elements. If a customer wants to rent a car, they should provide their personal ID card (9-digit ID, name, surname, birth date, address, release date, ...

First order logic

FAI - Foundations of Artificial Intelli... Logical Agents

Whereas propositional logic assumes the world contains statements, first-order logic (like natural language) assumes the world contains: objects statements in form of relations (predicates) between objects Syntax Basic elements Constant symbols: KingJohn...

Introduction and Markov decision proceses

FAI - Foundations of Artificial Intelli... Reinforcement learning

Reinforcement learning deals with sequential decision making problems where an agent: Observes the state of the environment Acts on the environment performing some action The environment evolves in a new state and provides the agent a reward, a feedback that ...

Value function and Q-function

FAI - Foundations of Artificial Intelli... Reinforcement learning

The total reward is typically defined s the expected discounted cumulative reward. We can define the value function $V^\pi (s)$ of policy $\pi$ in state $s$: $$V^\pi (s) = \mathbb{E}[\sum_{t=0}^{+\infty}{\gamma^t R(s_t, a_t)} \mid s_0 = s, a_t \in \pi(., s_t)...


FAI - Foundations of Artificial Intelli... Reinforcement learning

We apply a policy to explore the environment in order to collect information and we keep a progressively updated estimation of the optimal Q-function applying a sample-based version of the Bellman equation. At the beginning, the table $Q$ is initialized with r...


SE2 - Software Engineering 2 WE1

Syntax and semantics In Alloy everything is a set. Atoms are Alloy's primitive entities, they are actually a set with only one element. Relations associate atoms with one another and are represented as a set of typed tuples. Logic Constants In alloy the follow...