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210 total results found

Frequency domain and spectrum

MIDA1 Model Identification and Data Ana... Frequency Domain Analysis

The frequency domain is another way to obtain the weak (wide sense) characterization of a stationary stochastic process. Consider a stationary stochastic process $y(t)$: $\mathbb{E}[y(t)]=m_y \text{ } \forall t$ $\gamma_y(\tau)=\mathbb{E}[(y(t)-m_y)(y(t-\tau)...

Spectrum antitrasformation and relation with covariance

MIDA1 Model Identification and Data Ana... Frequency Domain Analysis

There exists an antitrasformation: $$\gamma_y(\tau)=\frac{1}{2\pi}\int_{-\pi}^{+\pi}{\Gamma_y(\omega)e^{j\omega\tau}d\omega}$$ Notice that the variance: $$\gamma_y(0)=\mathbb{E}[(y(t)-m_y)^2]=\frac{1}{2\pi}\int_{-\pi}^{+\pi}{\Gamma_y(\omega)d\omega}$$ so the v...

Wiener–Khinchin theorem

MIDA1 Model Identification and Data Ana... Frequency Domain Analysis

Spectrum of ARMA processes

MIDA1 Model Identification and Data Ana... Frequency Domain Analysis

Given the $ARMA$ process $y(t)=\frac{C(z)}{A(z)}e(t)$ with $e(t) \sim WN(0,\lambda^2)$ the spectrum is given by: $$\Gamma_y(\omega)=\mid\frac{C(e^{j\omega})}{A(e^{j\omega})}\mid^2\times\lambda^2$$ Since both $C(z)$ and $A(z)$ are polynomial the result is a rat...

Linear optimal prediction

MIDA1 Model Identification and Data Ana... Model prediction

Starting from an $ARMA$ process $y(t)=W(z)e(t)=\frac{C(z)}{A(z)}e(t)$, wehere $e(t) \sim WN(0,\lambda^2)$ (non zero mean case is an easy extension) we assume: $W(z)$ is asymptotically stable, and so $y(t)$ is well defnined $y(t)=\frac{C(z)}{A(z)}e(t)$ is the ...

Linear predictors from noise

MIDA1 Model Identification and Data Ana... Model prediction

Starting from an $ARMA$ process $y(t)=W(z)e(t)=\frac{C(z)}{A(z)}e(t)$, wehere $e(t) \sim WN(0,\lambda^2)$ we know that $y(t)$ is a steady state solution and $y(t) \sim MA(\infty)$, so: $$y(t) = w_0e(t)+w_1e(t-1)+...+w_ie(t-i)+...=\sum_{i=0}^{+\infty}{w_ie(t-i)...

Long k-step division method

MIDA1 Model Identification and Data Ana... Model prediction

The steady state solution of an $ARMA$ process can be obtained with a long k-step division of $C(z)$ and $A(z)$ seen as polynomial of $z$ performing only k-steps. $$\frac{C(z)}{A(z)}=E(z)+\frac{z^{-k}F(z)}{A(z)}$$ Where: $E(z)$ is the quotient $z^{-k}F(z)$ i...

Linear predictor from output

MIDA1 Model Identification and Data Ana... Model prediction

In the real world we cannot measur the white noise, the only aviable information is the values of the process up to time $t$. We need to construct the white noise underlyning the generation of the process from the values of the process itself up to time $t$. T...

Prediction of non zero mean ARMA

MIDA1 Model Identification and Data Ana... Model prediction

Starting from an $ARMA$ process $y(t)=W(z)e(t)=\frac{C(z)}{A(z)}e(t)$, wehere $e(t) \sim WN(\mu,\lambda^2)$ that is canonical and minimum phase we need to compute the unbiased processes: $$ \tilde{y}=y(t)-M_y\newline \tilde{e}(t)=e(t)-\mu $$ The resulting arma...

ARMAX predictors

MIDA1 Model Identification and Data Ana... Model prediction

Starting from an $ARMAX$ process $y(t)=\frac{B(z)}{A(z)}u(t-d)+\frac{C(z)}{A(z)}e(t)$, wehere $e(t) \sim WN(0,\lambda^2)$ and $\frac{C(z)}{A(z)}$ is canonical and minimum phase then we assume that the input signal $u(t-d)$ is either: completely known from $t=...

Course information

ACA Advanced Computer Architectures

Complete course name: 088949 - ADVANCED COMPUTER ARCHITECTURES (SILVANO CRISTINA) Profesor: Cristina Silvano Tutor: Gerardo Pelosi Accademic year: 2021-2022 Recordings: link to webeep Webeep: link to webeep Topics MIPS Processor Pipelining and Hazar...

MIPS architecture and pipeline

ACA Advanced Computer Architectures

The MIPS processor is a RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) which follows a LOAD/STORE architecture where the ALU operands come from the CPU general purposes registers and they cannot come directly from the memory: load data from the memory to the register...

Pipeline hazards

ACA Advanced Computer Architectures

An hazard is created when there is a dependence between instructions and the instructions are close enouth that the overlap caused by pipelining would change the order of access to the operands involved in the dependence. Hazards prevent the next instruction i...

Exception handling

ACA Advanced Computer Architectures

The following type of exceptions, interrupts and faults are considered: I/O device request; Invoking OS system call from a user program; Tracing instruction execution; Integer arithmetic overflow/underflow; Floating point arithmetic anomaly; Page fault; Misal...

Static Branch Prediction

ACA Advanced Computer Architectures

Static branch prediction is done and fixed at compile time. This technique is typically used when the branch behavior for the target application is highlyh predictable at compile time. Note: we assume to use the optimized MIPS pipeline 1) Branch always not tak...

Dynamic Branch Prediction

ACA Advanced Computer Architectures

The basic idea of dynamic branch prediction is to use the past branch behavior to predict the future. We need hardaware to dynamiccaly predict the outcome of a branch: the prediction will depend on the behavior at run time. Two interacting hardware blocks plac...


ACA Advanced Computer Architectures

Dependences In an assembly code there may be varius dependences between instructions. The dependences are a property of the code, while hazards may arise from these dependeces depending on the pipeline architecture. There are three types of dependences: 1) Dat...

Instruction level parallelism

ACA Advanced Computer Architectures

Multi-cycle pipelining We make the following basic assumptions: single-issue processors: one instruction fetch per cycle in order issue of instructions Execution stage may require multiple cycles depending on the operation (i.e. multiply operations are lon...


ACA Advanced Computer Architectures

In the scoreboard architecture we divide the ID stage: Issue: decode instructions, check for structural hazards Read operands (RR): wait until there are no data hazards, then read operands Another characteristic of the scoreboard is that there are no forwa...

Tomasulo Algorithm

ACA Advanced Computer Architectures

Tomasulo introduces the Implicit Register Renaming to avoid WAR & WAW hazards. In the Tomasulo architecture some buffers called Reservation Stations (RS) are placed in front of the functional units to store pending operands. Registers in instructions are repla...