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Asymmetric cryptosystems

We would like to have the following features:

  • Agreeing on a short secret over a public channel
  • Confidentially sending a message over a public authenticated channel without sharing a secret with the recipient
  • Actual data authentication

This features are implemented with asymmetric cryptosystems: cryptography systems where the keys to encrypt and decrypt are different.

Asymmetric cryptosystems rely on hard problems for which bruteforcing the secret parameter is not the best attack.

Diffie-Hellman key agreement (CDH)

The goal of CDH is to make two parties share secret value with only public messages.

The attacker model is:

  • Can eavesdrop anything, but not tamper
  • The Computational Diffie-Hellman assumption should hold

Assumption: Let $(G, ·)$ ≡ $\lang g \rang$ be a finite cyclic group, and two numbers $a$, $b$ sampled unif. from $\lbrace 0, . . . , |G| − 1 \rbrace (\lambda = len(a) \approx \log_{2}|G|)$

  • given $g^a$, $g^b$ finding $g^ab$ costs more than poly($log|G|$)
  • Best current attack approach: find either $b$ or $a$ (discrete log problem)


  • Alice: picks $a \gets \lbrace 0, ..., |G| − 1\rbrace$, sends $g^a$ to Bob
  • Bob: picks $b \gets \lbrace 0, ..., |G| − 1\rbrace$, sends $g^b$ to Alice
  • Alice: gets $g^b$ from Bob and computes $(g^b)^a$
  • Bob: gets $g^a$ from Bob and computes $(g^a)^b$
  • $(G, ·)$ is commutative $\to (g^b)^a = (g^a)^b$, we’re done!

Public Key Encryption

Different keys are employed in encryption/decryption

It is computationally hard to:

  • Decrypt a ciphertext without the private key
  • Compute the private key given only the public key

The most used asymmetric encryption cipher is RSA.

Sharing a secret without agreement

  • Alice: generates a keypair $(k_{pri} , k_{pub})$, sends to Bob
  • Bob: gets $s \gets \lbrace 0, 1 \rbrace^\lambda, encrypts it with $k_{pub}$, sends ctx to Alice
  • Alice: decrypts ctx with $k_{pri}$, recovers $s$

Note: Bob alone decides the value of the shared secret s

Repeat the procedure with swapped roles and combine the two secrets to achieve similar guarantees to a key agreement.

Combining asymmetric and symmetric encryption

Asymmetric cryptosystems are from 10× to 1000× slower than their symmetric counterparts. For this reason:

  • Asymmetric schemes to provide key transport/agreement
  • Symmetric schemes to encrypt the bulk of the data