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Exercises on authentication and access control

2021-2022 Demo exam exercise 1 (4 points)

In a company, each employee works in an open space. We need to design proper policies to minimize the risk that passwords get compromised. Such policies will be enforced whenever a user chooses a new password. Also, assume that passwords are only used to access a cloud-based email client over TLS.

  1. [1 point] What are the main characteristics of a password on which we can act when writing a policy?
  2. [2 points] What is the most likely attack scenario against passwords considering the above description of the conditions of each employee? Why?
  3. [1 point] Given the answer provided in point 2, what is the most important characteristic that you need to enforce in the password policy (in order to avoid the attack scenario)?

Question 1

We are designing the password policy for an online banking website. Which of the following rule sets is more adequate in your opinion, and why?

  • Passwords must be at least 12 characters long, with at least one lowercase, one uppercase, one number and one special character. Passwords must be changed at least every 30 days and cannot match previous ones. Accounts are locked after 3 wrong attempts.
  • Passwords must be at least 8 characters long, and not belong to a dictionary of common passwords. They must be changed at least every 30 days and cannot match previous ones. Accounts are locked after 5 wrong attempts.
  1. We are designing the password policy for an online banking website. Which of the following rule sets is more adequate in your opinion, and why?

The first seems stronger, because it enforces long (against bruteforcing), non-reused (against stealing) passwords and mitigates bruteforcing. However, it will lead users to write down passwords.

The second has an additional measure (non dictionary words) that is missing in the previous scheme. Given that guessing is more likely than cracking, and that writing down passwords is a pitfall, this scheme is definitely better with respect to the previous one.

Question 2

Consider biometric authentication.

  1. Describe (a) how the authentication phase works and (b) explain the phases that are needed to deploy such an authentication system in a company.

It is based on recording features extracted from a biometric characteristic of each user. At each authentication, the measured features are compared with the recorded ones. Each user is thus required to measure the characteristic when a system is deployed.

  1. The company is evaluating whether to use a fingerprint scanner or iris recognition as a characteristic for authentication purposes. What are the considerations that you would make?

Fingerprint scanning and iris recognition are both very precise authentication methods. Fingerprint scanning is slightly easier to fool with counterfeits. Iris recognition is a more invasive procedure which may be less tolerable by users. Additionally, iris recognition is far more costly.

  1. The geometry of the palm of the hand has been proposed as a biometric characteristic for authentication purposes. Discuss what issues do you see in this idea.

There are two main issues: false positive (another user with the hand geometry very similar to the legitimate user may be able to authenticate), which may happen if the features are too generic; false negative (the legitimate user may be unable to authenticate), which may happen if the features are too specific

Question 3

Discuss the following statements related to authentication: are they true or false? And why?

  1. Password authentication is widely used because it is weaker but cheaper

True, because it does not require special equipment, and it is even easier to deploy in many environments.

  1. Biometric systems are not deterministic, and this is an issue

True, because the biometric features that they measure (e.g., fingerprints, hand geometry) may change over time, and measurement errors can occur. Thus, they need to be carefully evaluated for false acceptance and false rejection ratios.

  1. Biometric systems identify a person on the basis of their physical characteristics, making it impossible for an attacker to impersonate someone else

False. Attacks have been developed against biometric systems. For example it is rather easy to duplicate someone's fingerprints.

  1. Introducing a biometric system to protect a high-value target will decrease risks for the target, often at the expense of increasing personal risk for the users

True, if the system makes attacking a user the most viable way to access the high value target.

Question 4

Discuss the following statements saying if they are true or false, and give a reason.

  1. OTP (one-time passwords) are relatively easy, drop-in replacements for static passwords

True, because it requires little equipment and set up effort for interfacing. The only significant cost is associated to password/secret code generation (i.e. the cost of the token, or of sending SMS with codes, etc.)

  1. The only source of error of biometric authentication is the evolution of the human body characteristics

False, because measurement errors can occur during each authentication phase. Also, the process is non deterministic intrinsically.

  1. A biometric system is more secure than a password-based system

False. In order to evaluate the level of security we need to know more of the system they are designed to protect. Their level of security could be comparable, or either could be a better choice than the other.

Question 5

In a company, each employee has a private office, where only authorized people can enter. The workstation is positioned such that the computer screen faces the wall. Also assume that passwords are only used to access cloud-based services over TLS. We need to design proper policies to minimize the risk that passwords get compromised. Such policies will be enforced whenever a user chooses a new password.

  1. What are the main characteristics of a password on which we can act when writing a policy?

Complexity = length, rich character set Non guessability = not belonging to dictionaries, not user related Frequency of change

  1. What is the most likely attack scenario against passwords considering the above description of the conditions of each employee? Why?

Guessing, because the office space is confined and accessible only to authorized personnel. Cracking is the second most-likely attack. Snooping is certainly not an option here.

  1. Given the previous answer, what is the most important characteristic that you need to enforce in the password policy (in order to avoid the attack scenario)?

Against guessing, we must enforce that passwords are not related to the user and, in general, not belonging to dictionaries or common passwords

Question 6

In a company, each employee works in an open space. We need to design proper policies to minimize the risk that passwords get compromised. Such policies will be enforced whenever a user chooses a new password. Also, assume that passwords are only used to access a cloud-based email client over TLS.

  1. What is the most likely attack scenario against passwords considering the above description of the conditions of each employee? Why?

Snooping because the configuration of the space

2. Given the previous answer, what is the most important characteristic that you need to enforce in the password policy (in order to avoid the attack scenario)?

Against snooping frequent change is the most important policy

Question 7

What are the differences between MAC and DAC? Make an example of real-world MAC system and at least one example of real-world DAC system.


Key difference: in DAC owner assigns control over resource, in MAC security admin sets levels.

Example of MAC: classification of secret documents in the military.

Examples of DAC, you name it, any OS.

Question 8

What are the differences between access control lists and capability lists?


ACLs are efficient with per-object operations, but cannot be used to assign multiple owners to the same object (this can be partially addressed with groups). Capabilities are efficient with per-subject operations, which make them inefficient when objects change frequently.