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Cryptography is the study of techniques to allow secure communication and data storage in presence of attackers.
The features that it aims to provide are:
- Confidentiality: data can be accessed only by chosen entities
- Integrity/freshness: detect/prevent tampering or replays
- Authenticity: data and their origin are guaranteed
- Non-repudiation: data creator cannot repudiate created data
- Advanced features: proofs of knowledge/computation
Kerchoff’s six principles for a good cipher (apparatus)
- It must be practically, if not mathematically, unbreakable
- It should be possible to make it public, even to the enemy
- The key must be communicable without written notes and changeable whenever the correspondants want
- It must be applicable to telegraphic communication
- It must be portable, and should be operable by a single person
- Finally, given the operating environment, it should be easy to use, it shouldn’t impose excessive mental load, nor require a large set of rules to be known
First we need the folowing definitions:
- Plaintext space $\textbf{P}$: set of possible messages $\text{ptx} \in \textbf{P}$
- Old times: words, modern times $\lbrace0,1\rbrace^l$
- Ciphertext space $\textbf{C}$: set of possible ciphertext $\text{ctx} \in \textbf{C}$
- Usually $\lbrace 0,1\rbrace^{l'}$, not necessarily $l = l'$
- Key space $\textbf{k}$: set of possible keys
- $\lbrace0, 1\rbrace^\lambda$, key with special formats are derived from bitstrings
And the following functions:
- Enctryption function $\mathbb{E} \text{ : } \textbf{P} \times \textbf{K} \to \textbf{C}$
- Decryption function $\mathbb{D} \text{ : } \textbf{C} \times \textbf{K} \to \textbf{P}$
And, for all $\text{ptx} \in \textbf{P}$, we need $k, k' \in \textbf{K}$ s.t. $\mathbb{D}(\mathbb{E}(\text{ptx},k),k')=\text{ptx}$.
Providing confidentiality
The goal is to prevent anyone not authorized from being able to understand data.
The possible attack models are:
- Plain eavesdropper (ciphertext only attack)
- Knows a set of possible plaintexts (known plaintext attack)
- Limit case: the attacker chooses the set of plaintexts
- Active attacker: may tamper with the data and observe the reactions of adecryption-capable entity
- Limit case: the attacker sees the actual decrypted value
Perfectly secure cipher
In a perfect cipher, for all $\text{ptx} \in \textbf{P}$ and $\text{ctx} \in \textbf{C}$: $$Pr(\text{ptx sent} = \text{ptx}) = Pr(\text{ptx sent} = \text{ptx} \mid \text{ctx sent} = \text{ctx})$$
Which means that seeing a ciphertext gives us no information on what the plaintext coresponding to it could be.
Shannon theorem
Any symmetric cipher $(\textbf{P},\textbf{K},\textbf{C},\mathbb{E},\mathbb{D})$ with $|\textbf{P}| = |\textbf{K}| = |\textbf{C}|$ is perfectly secure if and only if:
- Every key is used with probability $\frac{1}{|\textbf{K}|}$
- A unique kay mas a given plaintext into a given ciphertext: $\forall (\text{ptx},\text{ctx}) \in \textbf{P} \times \textbf{C}, \exists !k \in \textbf{K} \text{ s.t. } \mathbb{E}(\text{ptx},k) = \text{ctx}$
XOR implementation
A working implementation of the perfectly secure cipher exists using the XOR operation.
Asssume $\texbf{P},\textbf{K},\textbf{C}$ to be a set of binary strings. The encryption function draws a uniformly random, fresh key $k$ out of $\textbf{K}$ each time it is called and computes $\text{ctx} = \text{ptx} \xor k$.
The problem of this implementation are:
- the key must be as long as the message
- the key must be changed for every message
- it is difficult to generate a perfectly random key