alpha-beta pruning
Reduces the complexity of the minimax search by not considering branches of the game tree that cannot influence the final decision
Alpha-beta pruning returns the same outcome of the “vanilla” minimax search.
Two parameters:
- $\alpha$: It represents the value of the best move found so far for MAX (“at least”)
- $\beta$: It represents the value of the best move found so far for MIN ("at most")
The pruning works as follow:
- Update the a and b values as soon as possible
- Interrupt the search below a MAX node when the a value is larger or equal to the b value
- Interrupt the search below a MIN node when the b value is smaller or equal to the a value
Alpha–beta pruning can be applied to trees of any depth, and it is often possible to prune entire subtrees rather than just leaves. The general principle is this: consider a node $n$ somewhere in the tree such that Player has a choice of moving to $n$. If Player has a better choice either at the same level or at any point higher up in the tree, then Player will never move to $n$.
Given the maximum number of legal moves in a state is b, minimax search will expand $O(b^h)$ nodes but the efficiency of alpha-beta pruning depends on the order in which nodes are examined. In the best case, alpha-beta pruning expands $O(b^{h/2})$ nodes.
In the average case (nodes considered in random order), alpha-beta pruning expands $O(b^{3h/4})$ nodes