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Search problems

A search problem can be defined formally as follows:

  • A set of possible states that the environment can be in. We call this the state space.
  • The initial state that the agent starts in.
  • A set of one or more goal states. Sometimes there is one goal state, sometimes there is a small set of alternative goal states, and sometimes the goal is defined by a property that applies to many states (potentially an infinite number).
  • The actions available to the agent. Given a state $s$, $Actions(s)$ returns a finite set of actions that can be executed in $s$. We say that each of these actions is applicable in $s$.
  • A transition model, which describes what each action does. $Result(s,a)$ returns the state that results from doing action $a$ in state $s$.
  • An action cost function, denoted by $ActionCost(s,a,s')$ when we are programming or when we are doing math, that gives the numeric cost of applying action $a$ in state $s$ to reach state $s'$.

A sequence of actions forms a path, and a solution is a path from the initial state to a goal state. We assume that action costs are additive; that is, the total cost of a path is the sum of the individual action costs. An optimal solution has the lowest path cost among all solutions.

The state space can be represented as a graph in which the vertices are states and the directed edges between them are actions.

Exam questions

2020 02 13 Q1

While organizing the Oscars’ Night gala dinner you have to assign seats to 𝑛 guests around a round table with 𝑛 places. For every pair of guests 𝑖 and 𝑗 you know a positive value Pleasure(𝑖, 𝑗) that measures how much guest 𝑖 likes sitting next to guest 𝑗. For simplicity, assume that Pleasure(𝑖, 𝑗) = Pleasure(𝑗, 𝑖). Your objective is to find the seat assignment that maximizes the total pleasure of guests.

(1) Formulate the above problem as a search problem. First, illustrate how you represent the states. Then, specify the initial state, the ACTIONS() function, the RESULT() function, the goal test, and the step cost. (Hint: be especially careful in defining the step cost.)

Solution 1

A possible formulation is the following:

  • States represent partial assignments of guests to seats. Guests are indicated with numbers 1, 2, ... , 𝑛. A state 𝑠 is a vector of 𝑛 seats, indexed from 1 to 𝑛. Each element of the vector that can take values 0 (meaning that the corresponding seat is empty) or 𝑖 (𝑖 ∈ {1,2, ... , 𝑛}, meaning that the corresponding seat is occupied by guest 𝑖). Note that the vector representing the state is intended to be circular: the element with index 1 is adjacent to the element with index 𝑛.
  • -
  • Initial state: all seats are empty, represented as a vector of 𝑛 values equal to 0, [0,0, ... ,0].
  • -
  • ACTIONS(𝑠) function takes a state 𝑠 and returns all the possible assignments of one guest to an empty seat (element equal to 0 in 𝑠) that is adjacent to an occupied seat. If the seats are all unoccupied, namely when 𝑠 is the initial state, the function returns all possible assignments of one guest to the seat with index 1.
  • -
  • RESULT(𝑠, π‘Ž) function trivially takes a state 𝑠 and an assignment π‘Ž of one guest to an empty seat (as returned by ACTIONS()) and returns the updated state 𝑠′ (which is a vector with one less element equal to 0 with respect to 𝑠). -
    • Goal test checks if each guest has a seat (or, equivalently, if each seat is occupied by a guest and there is not any element equal to 0 in 𝑠).
    • -
    • Step cost of an action that assigns guest 𝑗 to a seat adjacent to that occupied by guest 𝑖 is given by the value 1 Pleasure(𝑖, 𝑗)< . The inversion is motivated by the fact that the search process attempts to minimize the cost of the solution, while the problem asks for the maximum value of pleasure. When an action assigns guest 𝑗 to a seat that is adjacent to seats occupied by guests 𝑖 and 𝑙, the step cost accounts for both pleasures: 1 Pleasure(𝑖, 𝑗)< + 1 Pleasure(π‘˜, 𝑗)< . When an action assigns a guest 𝑗 to a seat and no other seat is occupied, the step cost is 0.

(2) Does your formulation allow to generate multiple nodes in the search tree that correspond to the same state? If yes, illustrate a variant of your formulation that prevents these repetitions to happen. If no, explain why.

Solution 2 The above formulation allows to have multiple nodes in the search tree that correspond to the same state. For example, two nodes corresponding to the state [1,2,0,0, ... ,0,3] can be generated as successors of nodes corresponding to states [1,0,0,0, ... ,3] and [1,2,0,0, ... ,0], respectively. This can be avoided by modifying the ACTIONS() function: it takes a state 𝑠 and returns all the possible assignments of one guest to the empty seat with the smallest index.