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Date Recording Title Professor's notes Description
02 21 Recording Introduction
Stochastic processes (SP)
A general introduction to the course content and to stochastic processes.
02 22 Recording Weak description of SP
Stationary stochastic processes (SSP)
White noise (WN)
Moving average processes (MA)
How to characterize a stochastic process using a weak description:
- Mean function
- Covariance function
Definition of stationary stochastic processes and white noise.
Definition of moving average (MA) processes and discussion about stationarity of MA.
02 23 Recording MA stationary?
Covariance properties for SSP
MA(inf) processes
MA(inf) stationary?
1.3_MIDA_Model_Classes Demostration of the stationary of MA processes.
Definition of some important properties of covariance function for SSP.
Definition of moving average processes of infinite order MA(inf) and discussion about their stationarity.
02 28 Recording Auto Regressive AR
Steady state solutions
Shift Operator
Operational representation of ARMA
Transfer function
1.3_MIDA_Model_Classes Definition of AR and ARMA processes with the steady-state solution of both.
Steady state solution of AR(1).
A steady state solution is an MA(inf) process.
Defining shift operators and their properties.
Defining the operatorial representation of ARMA as well the steady state solution in this representation: the transfer function.
03 01 Recording Transfer function composition (series/parallel)
Switch shift operator powers
Zeros and poles
Assintotically stable
Minimum fase
When ARMA is well-defined?
1.3_MIDA_Model_Classes Defined the different ways to compose transfer function and output processes: sereis and parallel.
How to switch the powers of the shift operator from positive to negative and viceversa.
Defined what zeros and poles of a transfer function are.
When a transfer function is assintoticallt stable or a minimum fase.
Discussion about when an ARMA process is well definded using the associated transfer function (with idea of proof).
03 02 Recording Solutions different from steady-state
Computing ARMA weak (wide-sense) characterization
1.3_MIDA_Model_Classes Discussion about non steady-state solutions of the ARMA recursive equation, highlighting how they converge to the steady-state solution exponentially fast.
Computing the weak (wide-sense) characterization of AR/ARMA processes which means computing the mean and the covariance using the recursive equation and the transfer function. We started from AR(1) and then discussed a general ARMA process.
03 08 Recording Non zero mean ARMA
Gain theorem
Unbiased processes
Frequency domain
Properties of spectrum
Spectrum of digital filter output
03 09 Recording Spectrum antitrasformation
Relation between covariance and spectrum
Wiener-Kinchin theorem
Spectrum of ARMA
4 sources of uniqueness of ARMA
03 10 Recording 4th source of uniqueness of ARMA
Canonical representation of ARMA
Introduction to linear optimal prediction
Mean square error
03 15 Recording Optimal linear predictor from noise
Long k-step division
Optimal linear predictor from output
03 16 Recording Reconstructing WN from output values
Predictors from finite sequence of values
Optimal prediction of non-sero mean ARMA
03 22 Recording ARMAX predictors
Model identification introduction
Black box and grey box model identification
PEM identification
03 23 Recording PEM identification cost function
PEM cost function computation
Least square identification