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01 Graph Theory

Basic definitions

The Graph is a data structure that was first used in 1736 to represent a city and its water canals and have been used ever since for a huge number of optimizations of problems that can be modeled has a set of entities connected by a relation of some kind.

From a mathematical point of view, a graph is an ordered triple G: (V,E,f) where:

  • V is a set f nodes/vertex.
  • E is a set of arcs/edges.
  • f is a function that maps every edge of E to an unordered pair of nodes of V

In particular:

  • A vertex is the basic element of a graph
  • An edge is a set of two vertex
  • A path is a sequence of consecutives vertex,and a node A is reachable from another one B if exists a path that goes from A to B.

Graph properties

  • If a path starts from a node and returns to the same node its called a cycle, a graph is called acyclic if there it doesn’t have any cycle, cyclic otherwise.
  • A graph is connected if every node is reachable from any other node and is strongly connected if every node it’s directly connected to every other one.
  • If a graph as n nodes then in can have up to v = n(n-1) edges, if v ≈ n(n-1) then the graph is called dense, otherwise it’s called sparse.
  • If the edges can have a direction,meaning that given the two nodes A and B (A,B) != (B,A) can be true, then the graph is called directed.
  • A graph is simple if it has no multiple edges or self-loops.
  • A graph is weighted if each edge has an associated weight, usually given by a weight function w: E -> R.
  • Complete Graph: Every pair of vertices are adjacent and has n(n-1) edges where there are n nodes
  • Planar Graph: Can be drawn on a plane such that no two edges intersect.
  • Tree: Connected Acyclic Graph where Two nodes have exactly one path between them
  • Subgraph and Supergraph: Vertex and edge sets are subsets of those of G a supergraph of a graph G is a graph that contains G as a subgraph.

Possible representations

  • Incidence Matrix: E x V
  • Adjacency Matrix: V x V, Boolean values (adjacent or not)
  • Edge List: pairs (ordered if directed) of vertices
  • Adjacency List