02 RESTful API
Is a standardized resource based way of designing API.
The RESTful API uses the available HTTP verbs to perform CRUD ("Create, Read, Update, Delete") operations based on the “context”:
- Collection: A set of items (e.g.: /users)
- Item: A specific item in a collection (e.g.: /users/{id})
Almost all the APIs require a kind of user authentication. The user must register to the developer of the provider to obtain the keys to access the API.
Most of the main API providers use the OAuth protocol to authenticate a user.
The user registers to the developer portal to obtain a key and a secret. Platform authenticates the user via key/secret pair and supply a token that can be used to perform HTTP(S) requests to the desired API endpoint.
Problem: getting a lot of data points from an API. AKA. When one call is not enough.
“An API Crawler is a software that methodically interacts with a WebAPI to download data or to take some actions at predefined time intervals.”
Most APIs support data pagination to split huge chunks of data into smaller set of data.
Smaller chunks of data are easier to create, transfer (avoid long response time), cache and require less server computation time.
The problem is that data are continuously added to the top of the Twitter timeline. So the next request request can lead to retrieving the already processed tweets.
The solution is to use the cursoring technique. Instead of reading from the top of the timeline we read the data relative to the already processed ids.
When possible make parallel requests to gather more data in less time.
Multiple accounts
Handling multiple accounts can increase the system throughput but increases the complexity of the system.
Strategies to handle multiple accounts:
Request based
- Round robin
- Account pool: The account through which the request is made is chosen sequentially until it’s rate limit is reached, then we use the next available one.
Account based
- Requests stack: This strategy overturn the roles. Now the accounts, in parallel, get the next request to do from the pool. Once an account completes a request the cycle restarts until the pool is empty.
Fill Gaps
Sometimes the API does not give us all the data we want, so we need to fill those gaps.