HDFS Architecture, Security and Configuration
HDFS Architecture
- Manages File System Namespace
- Maps a file name to a set of blocks
- Maps a block to the DataNodes where it resides
- Cluster Configuration Management
- Replication Engine for Blocks: NameNode detects DataNode failures
- Chooses new DataNodes for new replicas
- Balances disk usage
- Balances communication traffic to DataNodes
- Keeps a Transaction Log: Records file creations, file deletions etc
- Was a single point of failure in Hadoop 1.0
The NameNode stores metadata in memory. There are multiple type of metadata:
- List of files
- List of Blocks for each file
- List of DataNodes for each block
- File attributes, e.g. creation time, replication factor
There is a Secondary NameNode which:
- Copies FsImage and Transaction Log from Namenode to a temporary directory
- Merges FSImage and Transaction Log into a new FSImage in temporary directory
- Uploads new FSImage to the NameNode
- A Block Server
- Stores data in the local file system (e.g. ext3)
- Stores metadata of a block (e.g. CRC)
- Serves data and metadata to Clients
- Block Report
- Periodically sends a report of all existing blocks to the NameNode
- Facilitates Pipelining of Data
- Forwards data to other specified DataNodes
- DataNodes send hearbeat to the NameNode
- NameNode uses heartbeats to detect DataNode failure
Block Placement
- Strategy
- One replica on local node
- Second replica on a remote rack
- Third replica on same remote rack
- Additional replicas are randomly placed
- Clients read from nearest replicas
Data Correctness
- Use Checksums to validate data
- Use CRC32
- File Creation
- Client computes checksum per 512 bytes
- DataNode stores the checksum
- File access
- Client retrieves the data and checksum from DataNode
- If Validation fails, Client tries other replicas
Data Pieplining
- Client retrieves a list of DataNodes on which to place replicas of a block
- Client writes block to the first DataNode
- The first DataNode forwards the data to the next node in the Pipeline
- When all replicas are written, the Client
moves on to write the next block in file
Data Retrieval
When a client wants to retrieve data first it communicates with the NameNode to determine
which blocks make up a file and on which data nodes
those blocks are stored. Then communicated directly with the data nodes to
read the data.
HDFS Security
There are multiple authentication strategies (set by hadoop.security.authentication=simple|kerberos
- Simple: insecure way of using OS username to determine hadoop identity
- Kerberos: authentication using kerberos ticket
File and Directory permissions are same like in POSIX: read (r), write (w), and execute (x) permissions and it also has an owner, group and mode enabled by default (dfs.permissions.enabled=true
ACLs are used for implemention permissions that differ from
natural hierarchy of users and groups
enabled by dfs.namenode.acls.enabled=true
HDFS Configuration
HDFS Defaults:
- Block Size – 64 MB
- Replication Factor – 3
- Web UI Port – 50070
HDFS conf file /etc/hadoop/conf/hdfs-site.xml