HDFS Commands
Shell Commands
There are two types of shell commands:
User Commands
hdfs dfs
– runs filesystem commands on the HDFS -
hdfs fsck
– runs a HDFS filesystem checking command
Administration Commands
hdfs dfsadmin
– runs HDFS administration commands
User Commands
List directory contents
hdfs dfs –ls
hdfs dfs -ls /
hdfs dfs -ls -R /var
Display the disk space used by files
hdfs dfs -du -h /
hdfs dfs -du /hbase/data/hbase/namespace/
hdfs dfs -du -h /hbase/data/hbase/namespace/
hdfs dfs -du -s /hbase/data/hbase/namespace/
Copy data to HDFS
hdfs dfs -mkdir tdata
hdfs dfs -ls
hdfs dfs -copyFromLocal tutorials/data/geneva.csv tdata
hdfs dfs -ls –R
Copy the file back to local filesystem
cd tutorials/data/
hdfs dfs –copyToLocal tdata/geneva.csv geneva.csv.hdfs
md5sum geneva.csv geneva.csv.hdfs
List acl for a file
hdfs dfs -getfacl tdata/geneva.csv
List the file statistics – (%r – replication factor)
hdfs dfs -stat "%r" tdata/geneva.csv
Write to hdfs reading from stdin
echo "blah blah blah" | hdfs dfs -put - tdataset/tfile.txt
hdfs dfs -ls –R
hdfs dfs -cat tdataset/tfile.txt