Recently Updated Pages
Identify every time a variable is defined (modified) and used with that version, for example: 1 i...
Constraint Propagation: Inference in CSPs
A CSP algorithm has choices. It can generate successors by choosing a new variable assignment, or...
Monte Carlo Tree Search
The basic MCTS strategy does not use a heuristic evaluation function. Instead, the value of a sta...
Classical Planning and PDDL
Classical planning is defined as the task of finding a sequence of actions to accomplish a goal i...
Theorem proving
Other than model checking entailment can be done by theorem proving—applying rules of inference d...
Algorithms for Classical Planning
The description of a planning problem provides an obvious way to search from the initial state th...
Starting from a PDDL representation of the agent’s knowledge base KB (specifying the initial stat...
Model checking
Our goal now is to decide whether $KB \models \alpha$ for some sentence $\alpha$. Reasoning with ...
alpha-beta pruning
Reduces the complexity of the minimax search by not considering branches of the game tree that ca...
Propositional Logic
Syntax The syntax of propositional logic defines the allowable sentences. The atomic sentences co...
First order logic
Whereas propositional logic assumes the world contains statements, first-order logic (like natura...
Search problems
A search problem can be defined formally as follows: A set of possible states that the environme...
Exam questions
2021 06 22 Q2 (6 points) A dedicated online review and social networking system tracks the activi...
Exam Questions
2021 06 22 Q1 (8 points) A dedicated online review and social networking system tracks the activi...
02 Elasticsearch
Elasticsearch stores data structures in JSON documents which are distributed and can be accessed ...
Exam questions on design
2021 01 15 Q1 (10 points) Suppose you need to design the data model that supports the structure a...
Exam questions
2021 02 04 Q1 A maintenance and service management company supports public administrations in the...
01 NoSQL General Concepts
Differences with the traditional data model Schema Less Approach This new types of data model re...
03 Data-driven decisions
Using data decisions no longer have to be made in the dark or based on gut instinct; they can be ...
02 What is Big Data and new ways to solve problems
Definition of the four Vs Volume (Data at scale): terabytes to hexabyte of data cumulated on ch...