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Model classes
Frequency Domain Analysis
Model prediction
Model identification
Introduction, authentication and access control
Software security
Web security
Network security
Book sections 12.1-12.5, 13.1-13.4, lecture: - Uncertainty - Lecture 2 - CS50's Introduction to Artificial Intelligence with Python - ht...
Bidirectional search
Simultaneously searches forward from the initial state and backwards from the goal state(s), hoping that the two searches will meet. The motivation is that $b^{d/2} + b^{d/2}$ is much less than $b^d$. For this to work, we need to keep track of two frontiers an...
An informed search uses domain-specific hints about the location of goals to find solutions more efficiently than an uninformed strategy. The hints come in the form of a heuristic function, denoted $h(n)$: $h(n) =$ stimated cost of the cheapest path from the s...
A* search
The most common informed search algorithm is A* search (pronounced “A-star search”), a best-first search that uses the evaluation function: $$f(n) = g(n) + h(n)$$ Where $g(n)$ is the path cost from the initial state to the node $n$, and $h(n)$ is the estimated...
01 Introduction
Document databases deviate from the entity-based denormalized data model of relational dbs and prefer an approach based on denormalized and aggregated data typical of business document. A document is a complex object made up of what would be many different SQL...
02 MongoDB
MongoDB is a document-oriented database that stores data within: Documents: consist of key-value pairs which are the basic unit of data in MongoDB. Collections contain sets of documents. Databases are made by one or more collections. Some of the main featu...
03 MongoDB Queries
Create Create a database: use database_name Create a collection: db.createCollection(name, options) MongoDB provides two methods to create new documents. db.collection.insertOne(document) inserts one document in the selected collection. db.collection.insert...
01 Introduction
In many applications performance is an essential priority, and often a small delay in response time could mean a big financial loss. For these kind of needs key-value stores were built, a type of db which guarantees the best possible lookup time of any storage...
02 Redis
Redis is an advanced key-value store, where keys can contain data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, and sorted sets. Supporting a set of atomic operations on these data types. Redis is not a replacement for Relational Databases nor Document Stor...
03 Memcache
Memcache is a free & open source, high-performance, distributed memory object caching system that works as key/value dictionary. It is generic in nature, intended for use in speeding up dynamic web applications by alleviating database load. It is useful to sto...
01 Introduction
In the recent years there has been a ever growing need for technologies capable of handling large scala data analysis Thas need was born because dataset of ”Big Data” size have often very different characteristics than the ones usually stored in realtional dat...
02 Cassandra
Apache Cassandra is a highly scalable, high-performance distributed database designed to handle large amounts of data, providing high availability with no single point of failure. It’s a column-based NoSQL database created by Meta (ex. Facebook). The main feat...
03 HBase
HBase Table: Split it into multiple regions: replicated across servers. One Store per ColumnFamily (subset of columns with similar query patterns) per region. Memstore for each Store: in-memory updates to Store; flushed to disk when full. StoreFiles (HFile)...
04 Cassandra Query Language
To query the data stored within Cassandra, a dedicated query language named Cassandra Query Language (CQL) was developed. CQL offers a model similar to MySQL under many different aspects It is used to query data stored in tables Each table is made by rows and...
01 ELK stack
Kibana: Visualize and Manage Elasticsearch: Store, Search and Analyze Logstash + Beats: Ingest Elasticsearch Elasticsearch is the core of the Elastic Stack. It’s a search and analytic engine Near real-time Full-text search Distributed (JSON format data...
02 Elasticsearch
Elasticsearch stores data structures in JSON documents which are distributed and can be accessed from any ES node when in a cluster. When stored, new documents are indexed and made fully searchable. Indices Data organization mechanism Define the structure of ...
03 Elasticsearch operations
Creating and index: PUT /index_name Define a mapping: PUT /my_index/_mapping { "properties": { "<field_name>": { "type": "text" } } } Retrieve a document using its _id: GET /nyc-restourants/_doc/xxxxxxxxxx Search Match: GET /nyc-restourants/...
04 Logstash
Working with Beats Beats focus on data collection and shipping while Logstash focuses on processing and data normalization. Logstash can also receive data from devices for which Beats are not deployed Via TCP, UDP, HTTP protocols Pool-based inputs like JDBC ...
01 The challange and importance of data wrangling
The step after Data Acquisition and before Analysis in the data management flow is Data Wrangling, also called Data Cleaning or Data Preparation. In this step data is cleaned, tested and prepared to be the best input possible for the analysis process. In other...
02 Data Wrangling Process
Data Wrangling is the process of transforming “raw” data into data that can be analyzed to generate valid actionable insights. In order to transform raw unreliable data into refined high quality material alot of improvements of the traditional ETL (Extract-Tr...