04 Logstash
Working with Beats
Beats focus on data collection and shipping while Logstash focuses on processing and data normalization.
Logstash can also receive data from devices for which Beats are not deployed
- Via TCP, UDP, HTTP protocols
- Pool-based inputs like JDBC
- Filter plugins (a.k.a. Processors)
- Help with data wrangling
- Use them to build pipelines that structure, normalize and enrich data
- Examples:
- Derive geographic coordinates from IP addresses
- Exclude sensitive fields
Plugins are available to emit data to Elasticsearch, to other data stores or via TCP, UDP and HTTP protocols
- Primary unit of data in Logstash
- Similar to JSON documents
- Flow through pipelines
“@timestamp” => 2021-16-02T01-01-01,
“message” => “hello”,
“other_field” => {
“nested_field” => 5678
Logical flow of data
- Supports multiple inputs
- Single queue to buffer data
- Either in-memory or persistent
- Workers ensure server-side scalability
Logstash processes are called Instances.
Logstash uses Codecs:
- Used to change the data representation of an event
- Serialization and de-serialization
- Can be used as part of an input or output
An exampe of a pipeline is:
input {
beats { port => 5043 }
filter {
mutate { lowercase => [“message”] }
output {
elasticsearch {}
mutate: field manipulation filter
- Convert types
- Add, rename, replace, copy fields
- Upper and lowercase transformations
- Join arrays
- Split field into arrays
- split: divide a single event into multiple events
- drop: delete an event
- geoip and dns: enrich IP addresses
- useragent: record information like browser type from web logs
- translate: use local data to translate parts of the events
- elasticsearch: query Elasticsearch
- jdbc: query databases that support Java
Message management
- “At Least Once” message delivery
- In most conditions messages are delivered exactly once
- Unclean shutdowns could lead to duplicates
- DLQ - Dead Letter Queue
- Events that are not processable
- Due to “at least once” policy these are undeliverable
- Avoids losing those events and halting the pipeline, freeing processing resources for subsequent events
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