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210 total results found

Function Points

SE2 - Software Engineering 2 WE1

Function Points is a technique to measure the dimension of a software based on the functionalities that it has to offer. A weight is associated with each FP counts of different types; the total Unadjusted Function Points is computed by multiplying each “raw” c...


SE2 - Software Engineering 2 WE1

Architecture Java EE platform suggests a distributed multitiered architecture model for enterprise applications: Client Tier Application Clients: clients that run directly on the client machine. They are usuallyquite rich and they interact directly with th...


SE2 - Software Engineering 2 WE1

Identify every time a variable is defined (modified) and used with that version, for example: 1 int i, k = 0; 2 i = k; 3 while (i<10) 4 i++; The def-use pairs for k are <1, 2> while the ones for i are <2, 3>, <2, 4>, <4, 3>, <4, 4>. A more complex example: 0 ...

Symbolic Execution

SE2 - Software Engineering 2 WE1

A Symbolic state is made by the tuple: <path-condition, symbolic bindings>. A simple example of a symbolic execution: read(a); read(b); x = a + b; write(x); We assign A to a and B to b, the printed result will be: A+B. When we have more than one path the exec...


SE2 - Software Engineering 2 WE1

Mean Time to Repair ($MTTR$): Average time between the occurrence of a fault and service recovery, also known as the downtime Mean Time To Failures ($MTTF$): Mean time between the recovery from one incident and the occurrence of the next incident, also kno...

Earned Value Analysis

SE2 - Software Engineering 2 WE1

Budget at completion ($BAC$): total budget for the project Planned value ($PV$): budgeted cost of work planned Earned value ($EV$): budgeted cost of work performed Actual cost ($AC$): actual cost for the completed work Schedule The project running behind...

Critical Path Method

SE2 - Software Engineering 2 WE1

It is used to estimate the minimum project duration. This schedule network analysis technique calculates the early start, early finish, late start, and late finish dates for all activities without delaying the project finish date or violating a schedule constr...

Course information

MIDA1 Model Identification and Data Ana...

Complete course name: 051588 - MODEL IDENTIFICATION AND DATA ANALYSIS - 1ST MODULE (BITTANTI SERGIO) {051587 - MODEL IDENTIFICATION AND DATA ANALYSIS [sezione A]} Profesor: Simone Garatti Tutor: Marco Raffaele Rapizza Accademic year: 2021-2022 Recordings...

Stochastic processes and weak description

MIDA1 Model Identification and Data Ana...

A signal is a function of time, usually symbolized $v(t,s)$. In a noisy signal, the exact value of the signal is random. Therefore, we will model noisy signals as a random function $v(t,s)$, where at each time $t$, $v(t,s)$ is a random variable. These “noisy s...

Stationary stochastic processes (SSP)

MIDA1 Model Identification and Data Ana...

A stochastic process $v(t,s)$ is stationary if: $m_v(t)=m_v$ $\forall{t}$: the mean function is a constant $\gamma_v(t,\tau ) = \gamma_v(\tau )$ $\forall{t}$: the covariance is function only of the time lag $\tau$, not of the time $t$. In summary the partial ...

White noise

MIDA1 Model Identification and Data Ana... Model classes

A white noise is a sequence of uncorrelated random variables with the same mean and the same variance. A stationary stochastic process is called white noise if: $\mathbb{E}[e(t,s)]=\mu$ $\forall t$ $Var[e(t,s)]=\mathbb{E}[(e(t,s)-\mu)^2]=\lambda^2$ $\forall t...

Moving average processes

MIDA1 Model Identification and Data Ana... Model classes

Given a zero mean white noise $e(t) \sim WN(0,\lambda^2)$ we define the moving average process of order $MA(n)$ as: $$y(t)=c_0e(t)+c_1e(t-1)+...+c_ne(t-n)$$ Which is a linear combination of the past values of $e(t)$ from $t$ to $t-n$ with real parameters $c_0...

Auto regressive processes

MIDA1 Model Identification and Data Ana... Model classes

AR processes Given a zero mean white noise $e(t) \sim WN(0, \lambda^2)$ then the stochastic process $y(t)$ is an auto regressive process if $y(t)$ is stationary and satisfies the recursive equation: $$y(t)=a_1y(t-1)+a_2y(t-2)+...+a_ny(t-n)+e(t)$$ which is a re...

Shift operators

MIDA1 Model Identification and Data Ana...

The shift operators are: $z^{-1}$ backward shift operator $z^1$ forward shift operator Given a stochastic process $y(t,s)$ then $z^-1y(t,s)=y(t-1,s)$ which has the same realization shifted one time instant backwards. Properties The shift operators: are li...

Transfer function (digital filter)

MIDA1 Model Identification and Data Ana... Model classes

A transfer function $W(z)=\frac{C(z)}{A(z)}$ is an operator that given a process $v(t)$ outputs the steady state solution of the recursive equation $y(t)$: $$y(t)=W(z)v(t) \iff A(z)y(t)=C(z)v(t)$$ We are particularry interested in the case when the proces $v(t...

When ARMA is well defined?

MIDA1 Model Identification and Data Ana... Model classes

Given the steady state output of the recursive equation defined by the transfer function $W(z)$ fed by the stochastic process $v(t)$: $$y(t)=W(z)v(t)$$ Then $y(t)$ is well defined iff: $v(t)$ is stationary $W(z)$ is assintotically stable So ARMA process $y(t...

Non steady state solutions

MIDA1 Model Identification and Data Ana... Model classes

If we consider a stationary stochastic process $v(t)$ and an assintotically stable transfer function $W(z)$ then the steady state solution of the recursive equation defined by the transfer function $W(z)$ is a well defined stationary stochastic process $y(t)$...

Weak (wide sense) characterization of ARMA

MIDA1 Model Identification and Data Ana... Model classes

Given the ARMA process: $$y(t)=\frac{c_0+c_1z^{-1}+...+c_nz^{-n}}{1-a_1z^{-1}-...-a_mz^{-m}}e(t)=\frac{C(z)}{A(z)}e(t)$$ We can compute the weak (wide sense) characterization for a well defined $y(t)$ ($W(z)$ assintotically stable): $\mathbb{E}[y(t)]=m_y$ co...

Non zero mean ARMA

MIDA1 Model Identification and Data Ana... Model classes

Consider the ARMA process $y(t)=\frac{C(z)}{A(z)}e(t)$ where is a non zero mean white noise$e(t) \sim WN(\mu,\lambda^2)$. Gain theorem If $W(z)=\frac{C(z)}{A(z)}$ is assintotically stable, then: $$m_y=\mathbb{E}[y(t)]=\frac{C(1)}{A(1)}\mu$$ Unbiased processes ...

Auto regressive processes with exogenous input

MIDA1 Model Identification and Data Ana... Model classes

With ARMA we model time-series: we analize the output of a system without observing any input. In many application, however, we can observe an input process $u(t)$. $$ y(t)=a_1y(t-1)+...+a_my(t-m)+\newline b_0u(t-d)+b_1u(t-d-1)+...+b_pu(t-d-p)+\newline c_0e(t...