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Hadoop key components

Input Splitter

Is responsible for splitting your input into multiple chunks (default is 64MB). These chunks are then used as input for your mappers Splits on logical boundaries.

Typically, you can just use one of the built in splitters, unless you are reading in a specially formatted file.


Reads in input pair <K,V> (a section as split by the input splitter) Outputs a pair <K’, V’>


Accepts the Mapper output, and collects values on the key. All inputs with the same key must go to the same reducer!

Input is typically sorted, output is output exactly as is

Partitioner (Shuffler)

Decides which pairs are sent to which reducer Default is simply: Key.hashCode() % numOfReducers

Custom partitioning is often required.

Important to choose well-balanced partitioning functions. If not, reduce tasks may delay completion time


An optional intermediate reducer. Reduces output from each mapper, reducing bandwidth and sorting.

Cannot change the type of its input and input types must be the same as output types.

Output Committer

Is responsible for taking the reduce output, and committing it to a file.

Typically, this committer needs a corresponding input splitter (so that another job can read the input).

Again, usually built-in committers are good enough, unless you need to output a special kind of file


Responsible for scheduling & managing jobs (handled by the framework, no user code is necessary).

If a task fails to report progress (such as reading input, writing output, etc), crashes, the machine goes down, etc, it is assumed to be stuck, and is killed, and the step is re-launched (with the same input)