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Hadoop 2.0


  • Splits up the two major functions of JobTracker
    • Global Resource Manager - Cluster resource management
    • Application Master - Job scheduling and monitoring (one per application).
  • The Application Master negotiates resource containers from the Scheduler, tracking their status and monitoring for progress. Application Master itself runs as a normal container.
    • Tasktracker
    • NodeManager (NM) - A new per-node slave is responsible for launching the applications’ containers, monitoring their resource usage (cpu, memory, disk, network) and reporting to the Resource Manager.
  • YARN maintains compatibility with existing MapReduce applications and users.

Classic MapReduce vs. YARN

Fault Tolerance and Availability:

  • Resource Manager
    • No single point of failure – state saved in ZooKeeper
    • Application Masters are restarted automatically on RM restart
  • Application Master
    • Optional failover via application-specific checkpoint
    • MapReduce applications pick up where they left off via state saved in HDFS

Wire Compatibility:

  • Protocols are wire-compatible
  • Old clients can talk to new servers
  • Rolling upgrades

Support for programming paradigms other than MapReduce (Multi tenancy)